Amputee Program
The loss of a limb is an extremely traumatic experience, but in the vast majority of people, good rehabilitation should help them to return to a normal lifestyle, whether that is home, work, school or retirement. The Amputee Rehabilitation Program aims to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation program for persons who have suffered the recent amputation of a limb due to illness, disease or trauma, or who are experiencing complications with an established amputation. The team supports an interdisciplinary approach to amputee rehabilitation, involving the patient, their family, team members and community support.
Who is the program for?
The Program is suitable for persons who have functional deterioration and/or lifestyle restrictions due to:
- Amputation of one or multiple limbs at various levels
- Stump complications
- Contractures
- Phantom pains
- Impaired balance
- Restricted or unsafe mobility
- Gait abnormalities
Program content:
The nursing needs of the patient are identified from the admission assessment and incorporated into the development of the nursing care plan. This is modified/adjusted with the patient’s progress. Daily wound assessment and monitoring is an essential component, along with ensuring correct stump bandaging and management. Nursing staff encourage independence with safety. The interdisciplinary team consisting of a Rehabilitation Consultant, nurses and other therapists will formulate an individual program through fully co-ordinated approach, which may also include:
Physiotherapy to work on;
- Preparation of your stump for a prosthesis
- Exercises and gym work to help strengthen muscles and improve balance
- Gait and mobility training and education
- Stretching
- Balance training
Occupational Therapist will assist you to reach your maximum level of independence and quality of life and will involve practicing everyday life activities including;
- Personal and domestic care activities
- Energy conservation techniques
- Return to work/driving and leisure
- Home visits prior to your discharge to make recommendations on a safe environment
When the stump is fully healed and swelling diminished, the Rehabilitation Consultant will refer to see the Prosthetist. The Prosthetist casts and fits the prosthesis. In most cases this is an interim prosthesis. Completion of the prosthesis occurs only when the correct alignment, fit and stability have been established. The Prosthetist will continue to manage the long term prosthetic requirements of the patient.
You may also be seen by our dietitian. You will be discharged when you reach your potential or no longer require nursing care. If you require support at home, this will be organised by your social workers.
You may also be referred to a day rehabilitation program to continue your rehabilitation.
When is it held:
Group and individual therapy sessions involving both the Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapists will be available Monday – Friday. Additional assessments and other therapies are provided on an individual basis. Outside of structured therapy, patients will be provided with supervised exercises and Activities of daily living activities directed by the rehabilitation team. Patients will also be encouraged with self-initiated exercises where appropriate.