The Southport Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Cardiac Rehabilitation Program

About the program:

The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program specialises in the rehabilitation of patients who are suffering from a heart condition or undergone a surgical procedure for this condition with the aim of returning to active and satisfying life. Under guidance of a Rehabilitation Consultant the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program offers the patient treatment aimed at altering the patient’s lifestyle choices and increasing mobility and fitness to assist them to return to and maintain their previous lifestyle.

Who is the program for?

The Program is suitable for persons who have deterioration in functional status following:

  • Myocardial infarction “Heart Attack” (ST elevation MI, non-ST elevation MI)
  • Re-vascularisation procedures (e.g. bypass graft surgery, stenting)
  • Stable or unstable angina
  • Controlled heart failure
  • Other vascular or heart Diseases
  • Other high risk patients with multiple risk factors including Type 2 diabetes.

Your rehabilitation program is managed by a team of health professionals:

  • Rehabilitation Physician
  • Rehabilitation Nurses
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Dietitian
  • Social Worker

On admission you will be assessed by all members of the rehabilitation team and a program will be formulated to suit your individual needs. You will become part of the team and will be encouraged to participate in the development and review of your rehabilitation program. At the end of your program you should feel confident and competent in continuing an unsupervised rehabilitation program at home.

Medical services

Your rehabilitation program is directed by a Rehabilitation Physician. He/she has the responsibility of monitoring and evaluating your medical and rehabilitation care. The Rehabilitation Specialist will liaise with your Cardiologist, General Practitioner and other specialists to ensure proper continuity of medical care.


A Physiotherapist will implement a program suited to the patient’s individual needs. The program is usually based on an exercise regime at a pace suited to the patient. Therapies may be carried out on the ward or in the gym environment. The Physiotherapist will evaluate the need for and suitability for the various exercise equipment and will develop and appropriate exercise regime. Your treatment may include:

  • Fitness
  • Walking
  • Balance
  • Strength

You will be encouraged to work within your limitations. An exercise program will be designed for you to continue on the ward and at home.

Occupational therapy

An Occupational Therapist also plays a vital role in helping the patient maximise functional independence in all aspects of their daily life. All patients are reviewed by the Occupational Therapist and the following areas are assessed:

  • Self-care
  • Bed movement and transfers
  • Home activities
  • Carer’s needs, community service requirements
  • Cognitive assessment
  • Return to work
  • Energy conservation
  • Stress management and lifestyle changes
  • Home safety assessment


A Dietician will also be involved to provide education about changes required in dietary consumption and cooking methods. This is an integral part of the lifestyles change management process and patients’ education. Advice is given and diets implemented to provide the best possible nutritional support for the patient.

Nursing staff

Your nurses will encourage and assist you to achieve your optimal level of independence. They provide 24 hour care and supervision and will help you with your daily ward activities. Daily wound assessment and monitoring of your cardiac status and general health is a necessary part of your care.
Your nurses continually liaise with your therapists to ensure continuity of your rehabilitation care and are always available to answer questions about your rehabilitation program, your medical care or other health concerns.

Social Worker

A Social Worker meets patients and families, upon referral, to complete assessment. They can advise on family, social or financial impacts and how to obtain assistance if necessary. The patient and family may be experiencing emotional problems as a result of their condition; the Social Worker is skilled in counselling and can assist in this area. When patients return home, the Social Worker may arrange a community nurse, home help, Meals-on Wheels, respite care or day centre attendance. The Social Worker can assist the family make decisions on care, find a suitable nursing home or other accommodation and discuss costs.

If you require further rehabilitation treatment you may be referred to a day rehabilitation program.

When is it held:

Group and individual therapy sessions involving both the Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapists will be available Monday – Friday. Additional assessments and other therapies are provided on an individual basis. Outside of structured therapy, patients will be provided with supervised exercises and Activities of Daily Living activities directed by the rehabilitation team. Patients will also be encouraged with self-initiated exercises where appropriate.