Orthopaedic Program
About the program:
The Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Program promotes independence and enhances recovery following orthopaedic surgery or trauma. The Program is developed based on individual patient needs and the referring orthopaedic surgeon’s instructions. The program provides a co-ordinated approach with an interdisciplinary team formulating realistic goals to be achieved in a realistic time frame.
Who is the program for?
The Program is suitable for persons who have had a recent fracture or orthopaedic procedure and subsequently require medical monitoring due to co-morbidities or complications, have severe functional disability, and/or are dependent in self-care, ambulation/transfer, nutrition/hydration or elimination, thus requiring nursing care. Patients may have joint replacement, elective orthopaedic surgery or a bony trauma.
Program content:
Your rehabilitation program is managed by a team of health professionals:
- Rehabilitation Physician
- Rehabilitation Nurses
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Social Worker
- Dietitian
Your rehabilitation team will formulate a treatment plan for you based on your individual needs, instructions from your orthopaedic surgeon or consulting physician. You are part of the team and will be encouraged to participate in the development and review of your program.
The team meets regularly to discuss your progress and review your goals, and strives to ensure your smooth and safe return to pre-hospital living arrangements.
Medical services
Your rehabilitation program is directed by a Rehabilitation Physician. He/she has the responsibility of monitoring and evaluating your medical and rehabilitation care. The Rehabilitation Physician will liaise with your Orthopaedic Surgeon or Physician, General Practitioner and other specialists to ensure effective continuity of medical care. Medical services will be provided by a medical registrar on a day to day basis.
Your program will be aimed at improving:
- The strength and movement of your operated/injured limb
- Balance
- Mobility
- Flexibility and Endurance
Individual and group exercise, gym work and hydrotherapy will form the basis of your program. A ward exercise program will also be designed for you so you can continue to work and progress outside of designated therapy times.
Occupational therapy
Your Occupational Therapy program will assist you in regaining your former level of independence and help you return to your normal routine. Your program may include assessment and training in:
- Personal care activities
- Functional movement
- Household tasks
- Home visit/Home safety assessment
- Prescription of aids to help you maintain your independence
- Driver education
Nursing staff
Your nurses will encourage and assist you to achieve your optimal level of independence. They provide 24 hour care and supervision and will help you with your daily ward activities, provide wound management, educate you on protecting your affected limb and monitor your general health.
Your nurses continually liaise with your therapists to ensure continuity of your rehabilitation care and are always available to answer questions about your rehabilitation program, your medical care or other health concerns.
If you require further rehabilitation treatment you may be referred to a day rehabilitation program.
When is it held:
Group and individual therapy sessions involving both the Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapists will be available Monday – Friday. Additional assessments and other therapies are provided on an individual basis. Outside of structured therapy, patients will be provided with supervised exercises and Activities of Daily Living directed by the rehabilitation team. Patients will also be encouraged with self-initiated exercises where appropriate.